A special issue of a journal examined economic development in the United Kingdom under the coalition government.
Source: Local Economy, Volume 28 Number 7-8
Links: Table of contents
Notes: Articles included:
James Rees and Alex Lord, 'Making space: putting politics back where it belongs in the construction of city regions in the North of England'
Iain Deas, Stephen Hincks, and Nicola Headlam, 'Explicitly permissive? Understanding actor interrelationships in the governance of economic development: the experience of England s Local Enterprise Partnerships'
David Waite, Duncan Maclennan, and Tony O Sullivan, 'Emerging city policies: devolution, deals and disorder'
Allan Cochrane, Bob Colenutt, and Martin Field, 'Developing a sub-regional growth strategy: reflections on recent English experience'
Sarah Ayres and Graham Pearce, 'A Whitehall perspective on decentralisation in England s emerging territories'
Kevin Broughton, Nigel Berkeley, and David Jarvis, 'Where next for neighbourhood regeneration in England? Two years on'
Mike Chadwick, Peter Tyler, and Colin Warnock, 'How to raise the bar on impact evaluation: challenges for the evaluation of local enterprise partnerships and the regional growth fund in times of austerity'
Lee Pugalis and Gill Bentley, 'Storming or performing? Local Enterprise Partnerships two years on'
Date: 2013-Nov
The final report was published of a longitudinal study that examined the Welsh Government's policies for local government. It provided an assessment of local government performance in the period covered by the third term of the National Assembly for Wales (2006-07 to 2010-11). Overall local government performance had improved over the period: but changes in services were, for the most part, incremental.
Source: Steve Martin, James Downe, Tom Entwistle, and Valeria Guarneros-Meza (with Carol Hayden and John Houghton), Learning to Improve: An independent assessment of the Welsh Government's policies for local government, 2007-2011, Welsh Government
Links: Report (part 1) | Report (part 2)
Date: 2013-Sep
An article examined the process by which local government in England had been 'delocalized and depoliticized'. There had been a gradual decline in the status of local government within the English governance framework, as a result of an unwillingness to see it as either local or government. The centre had been aided in the depoliticizing of local government by literature that minimized, ignored, or sought to remove any element of the political from, local government. The authors suggested a new settlement between the localities and the centre, and the way in which a 'localized polity' might emerge.
Source: Colin Copus, David Sweeting, and Melvin Wingfield, 'Repoliticising and redemocratising local democracy and the public realm: why we need councillors and councils', Policy & Politics, Volume 41 Number 3
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Jul
An article examined the idea of localism in the context of housing policy and as mediated by the experience of devolution in England and Scotland. It considered the meaning and limitations of the concept when account was taken of the real nature of housing systems, and the experience of localism in the context of social housing provision. The implementation of localism by policy-makers had exhibited shortcomings, and the emerging interpretation of localism might lead to 'policy dumping' rather than enhanced real local autonomy.
Source: Duncan Maclennan and Anthony O'Sullivan, 'Localism, devolution and housing policies', Housing Studies, Volume 28 Number 4
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Jun
The government responded to a report by a committee of MPs on the balance of power between central and local government in England. It said that it had taken significant steps to free local government in England as much as possible from Whitehall control. A codified relationship would not help this process, and could simply serve to focus energy on theoretical debate rather than action.
Source: Government Response to the House of Commons Political and Constitutional Reform Committee Report: The Prospects for Codifying the Relationship between Central and Local Government, Cm 8623, Department for Communities and Local Government, TSO
Links: Response
Notes: MPs report (January 2013)
Date: 2013-May
An article said that attempts to deliver the coalition government's 'localist' agenda should focus on the critical role of social trust, and that this was best developed through collaboration. It explored collaboration and co-production as a means of strengthening social networks and delivering the promises of localism.
Source: Matt Padley, 'Delivering localism: the critical role of trust and collaboration', Social Policy and Society, Volume 12 Issue 3
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-May
An article examined the contradictions thrown up by the 'localism' and 'Big Society' agendas, in the context of welfare reform and housing policy.
Source: Keith Jacobs and Tony Manzi, 'New localism, old retrenchment: the 'Big Society', housing policy and the politics of welfare reform', Housing, Theory and Society, Volume 30 Issue 1
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Mar
An article examined the coalition government s 'Big Society' and localism agenda, and the implications and challenges for local government, the third sector, and planning. It suggested a broad research agenda through which to reflect on changes in democratic policy and the shifting relationships between the state and civil society.
Source: Michael Buser, 'Tracing the democratic narrative: Big Society, localism and civic engagement', Local Government Studies, Volume 39 Issue 1
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Mar
The government responded to a report by a committee of MPs on the role of local councillors in England. It rejected the suggestion that it had been giving 'mixed messages' in relation to its localism agenda.
Source: Government Response to the House of Commons Communities and Local Government Select Committee Report: Councillors on the Frontline, Cm 8582, Department for Communities and Local Government, TSO
Links: Response
Notes: MPs report (January 2013)
Date: 2013-Mar
A report by a committee of MPs said that local councillors in England needed to be given more support if they were to continue to be effective and to be fully representative of local communities.
Source: Councillors on the Frontline, Sixth Report (Session 201213), HC 432, House of Commons Communities and Local Government Select Committee, TSO
Links: Report | Additional written evidence | Engage press release | Labour Party press release | LGA press release | NAVCA press release | Public Finance report
Date: 2013-Jan
A report by a committee of MPs said that the balance of power between central and local government in England was skewed in favour of the centre and needed to be addressed. Government should give local councils more powers, including fiscal powers, to shape their services to the needs of local people.
Source: Prospects for Codifying the Relationship between Central and Local Government, Third Report (Session 201213), HC 656, House of Commons Political and Constitutional Reform Select Committee, TSO
Links: Report | Oral evidence | Additional written evidence (1) | Additional written evidence (2) | LGA press release | ResPublica press release | BBC report | Guardian report | Public Finance report
Date: 2013-Jan